
This section includes the enrollment process for incoming students. Click on the navigation links to jump to different parts of the article.

Admission Requirements

  1. Transfer Credential
  2. Copy of Grades
  3. Certificate of Good Moral Character
  4. Photocopy of PSA Birth Certificate
    • Note: Students born abroad should submit a photocopy of Philippine Passport (Bio-page) or Philippine Recognition Certificate
  5. PSA Marriage Certificate (for married female students)

Reservation for Transferees

On-site Reservation

  1. Prepare photocopy and original of all admission credentials
  2. Proceed to the respective Dean’s office for evaluation and crediting of courses. You will be given an admission slip signed and approved by the Dean
  3. Register at UB Student Portal
  4. Click “Apply as a new student”, complete all the needed information and click submit the registration.
  5. Submit the original and photocopy of admission requirements to the admission officer, once verified
  6. Pay the reservation fee of Php 2,000.00 at the UB Cashier Office and present the receipt to the admission officer
    (For more information on this, check the university’s Payment Procedures.)


  • Submit the Original F-138 (SF9) report card and other requirements that were not submitted during the reservation period.


  • Reserved slots are valid until June 6, 2025.
  • Visit the ARC Office as soon as all credentials are available.
  • Unconfirmed slots will be given to those with complete enrollment credentials.

Online Reservation

  1. Register at UB Student Portal
  2. Click “Apply as a new student”, complete all the needed information
  3. Once complete click submit the registration. You will receive an email regarding your APPLICANT ID NUMBER that you will use for the reservation fee
  4. Download and fill-out the Declaration, Waiver, and Consent Agreement Form and make sure all details are provided and duly signed
  5. Prepare and scan the admission requirements (every document in PDF Format Only)
    • File name: ApplicantIDNumber_(Docs)_LastName_FirstName_MiddleName
    • Example: RA1012025_Grade11reportcard_DelaCruz_Juan_Julian
  6. Pay the Reservation Fee of Php 2,000.00 at any UB accredited bank.
    (For more information on this, check the university’s Payment Procedures.)
  7. Fill out and provide necessary information and upload all the scanned documents in the PRE-REGISTRATION GOOGLE FORM
  8. The Admission and Records Center (ARC) will check all the submitted documents, once verified
  9. ARC sends a copy of your courses taken to the Dean’s office for evaluation
    • Note: If the Dean has queries before crediting a course, they may email you for clarification.


  • Submit the Original F-138 (SF9) report card and other requirements that were not submitted during the reservation period.


  • Reserved slots are valid until June 6, 2025.
  • Visit the ARC Office as soon as all credentials are available.
  • Unconfirmed slots will be given to those with complete enrollment credentials.

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Incoming Students

This section includes the enrollment process for incoming students. Click on the navigation links to jump to different parts of the article. Admission Requirements For

International Students

This section includes the enrollment process for foreign students. Click on the navigation links to jump to different parts of the article. Admission Requirement Note: