August 5, 2024

UB Scouts Return from 2024 Youth Exchange Program in South Korea

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In collaboration with the Boy Scouts of the Philippines (BSP) Baguio City Council and the International Youth Community of Jeonju City, the University of Baguio (UB) sent out a delegation of scouts to South Korea for a cross-border cultural exchange program. Lasting from June 8 to 14, 2024, the program is geared towards fostering a profound appreciation for the diversity of cultures between the Philippines and South Korea, imbuing a deep understanding within the scouts and allowing them to view the greater world with renewed respect.

Following a letter of invitation from Dr. Jin Ouk Kim, the scouts were chosen from the UB Science High School (UBSHS) and UB High School (UBHS) departments, alongside one adult leader each and a BSP Baguio City Council participant. A total of ten (10) scouts and three (3) adult leaders formed the delegation, with the adults ensuring that the trip proceeded safely and in an orderly fashion.

After arriving at Seoul Incheon International Airport, the group then moved by bus to Jeonju City, where the program proper was set to take place. Their journey took them to several key locations around the city, such as the Jeonju Tourist and Communication Office where they were welcomed by the Jeonju City Council. 

From schools to museums and even the World Scout Jamboree Site, there was no shortage of engaging locations for the scouts to explore. Their tour of the city allowed them to better grasp the local culture, exposing them to the innovations in the city infrastructure and education and giving them a glimpse of its rich history.

Through their experiences in Jeonju, the scouts have developed a profound appreciation for South Korean culture and its intricacies. Their time in the city has nurtured camaraderie among the group’s participants and the members of the city’s community, resulting in a forged bond that will continue to impact their lives even long after they have returned home.

The University of Baguio aims to continue supporting programs such as the Korea-Philippines Youth Exchange Program as a means to encourage cultural diversity and intercultural harmony between the Philippines and other countries all over the world. The university’s partnerships with other communities and organizations remains a steadfast pillar in UB’s student support services, bolstering academic mobility and allowing students to achieve their dreams and aspirations. These programs and partnerships are also a means for UB to continue pursuing the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

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