May 3, 2023

UB Celebrates KKU Exchange Students’ Successful Completion of their Stay

The International Student Exchange Closing Program at UB Cafe Fernando provided 10 Thai students from Khon-Kaen University- College of Local Administrators with a transformative experience. The program, which lasted four months, allowed the students to immerse themselves in academic, workplace, and cultural settings within the university.
The KKU Thai students expressed gratitude to the University of Baguio, their Filipino hosts, and their fellow students for making their stay memorable during their exchange program. They highlighted the knowledge and skills they gained, including leadership, communication, and teamwork, and shared their newfound appreciation for the Filipino culture, people, and traditions.
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The International Student Exchange Closing Program held at UB Cafe Fernando was a momentous occasion for the 10 Thai students from Khon-Kaen University- College of Local Administrators. This four-month program provided them with a unique opportunity to experience academic, workplace, and cultural immersion.

The students were assigned to various offices and schools within the university, including SIHTM, STELA, Office of Student Affairs, Linkages Office, Admissions and Records Center, CCSD, Library, and RDC-ECOS. Their dedication and hard work were celebrated during the closing program, where they shared their experiences and learned from their time at the university.

Throughout the program, the Thai students had the opportunity to interact with their Filipino counterparts and experience the culture of the Philippines. They participated in various cultural activities, including traditional dances, music performances, and food festivals. They also had the chance to explore the beautiful sights and sounds of the Philippines, including its beaches, mountains, and historical landmarks.

During the program’s closing program, the Thai students expressed their gratitude to the university, their Filipino hosts, and their fellow students for making their stay a memorable one. They highlighted the knowledge and skills they gained through their work placements, including leadership, communication, and teamwork. They also shared their newfound appreciation for the Filipino culture, its people, and its traditions.

The International Student Exchange Closing Program at UB Cafe Fernando was a great success, providing the Thai students with a unique and enriching experience. It highlighted the importance of cultural exchange and collaboration in shaping future leaders and fostering international cooperation. The program serves as a testament to the strong ties between the Philippines and Thailand and paves the way for more collaborative initiatives in the future.

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