
March 18, 2024

Forging Collaborative Pathways: UB STELA teams up with BJMP to Enhance Internship Program

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Partnerships and Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) signings are pivotal moments in academia, serving as catalysts for collaboration, resource pooling, and mutual support. These agreements often pave the way for synergistic outcomes that benefit all parties involved.

The University of Baguio takes great pride in its collaboration with the Bureau of Jail Management and Penology (BJMP) – Cordillera Administrative Region, under the leadership of Regional Director KSSupt Kenneth Bid-Ing. This partnership focuses on the internship deployment of the BS Psychology program interns from the School of Teacher Education and Liberal Arts (STELA).

The university warmly extends its congratulations to the School of Teacher Education and Liberal Arts, spearheaded by Dean Aida Dapiawen, PhD, and the BS Psychology Program Chair, Ms. Rhoda Marie Carbonel. Their dedication and efforts have significantly contributed to the partnership goals of UB, further enhancing the academic experience and opportunities for all involved.

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