September 25, 2024

Changing the Narrative – PeerCada’s promotion of SDG 3 during the Suicide Prevention Month

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Written by Bea Chewachew (SIHTM)

In a world where mental health conversations are often stifled by stigma and silence, the Peer Facilitators of the Center for Counseling and Student Development at the University of Baguio stepped up to change the narrative. This September, in observance of Suicide Prevention Month and Sustainable Goal #3: Good health and well-being, these student leaders have joined forces with their advisers, launching an event themed “Changing the Narrative on Suicide – Start the Conversation.” The activity was an initiative that embodied hope, resilience, and the power of human connection.

At the heart of this initiative is PeerCada, a group of dedicated Peer Facilitators who, through their collaboration and creativity, set up a mini booth in the UB campus where, students and staff were invited to pin yellow ribbons symbolizing hope and solidarity with those facing struggles. Emotion rings representing feelings, encouraging acknowledgment of emotions were also featured, along with the “Shemenet Shred it, but She Must” activity, where the participants wrote down their worries and shredded them, offering a symbolic release. These interactive activities promoted mental health awareness and provided a space for reflection, support, and healing.

PeerCada’s initiative went beyond the symbolic activities. The booth also served as a platform for starting conversations that were long overdue. By encouraging UBians to engage in these thoughtful activities, the Peer Facilitators broke down barriers that prevent open discussions about mental health. They promoted a culture of understanding, where talking about emotions is no longer taboo, but is seen as a step toward healing.

Suicide Prevention Month, after all, is about more than just awareness—it is about action towards good health and well-being. The PeerCada team, with their dedication and compassion, continues to take action one conversation at a time. They remind us all that while the battle against mental health struggles can be daunting, no one has to fight it alone. With every yellow ribbon, every emotion ring, and every shredded paper, the Peer Facilitators of UB are not just changing the narrative—they are rewriting it for a brighter, more hopeful future. 

In this month-long event, UBians are invited to take part in this journey toward mental wellness. Whether by pinning a ribbon or shredding away your emotions, it is a step towards breaking the silence. And in breaking that silence, PeerCada is helping create a world where every person, regardless of his background, can feel seen, heard, and supported.

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