July 1, 2023

The University of Baguio Student Leaders joined the celebrationof the international day against drug abuse and illicit trafficking

Student representatives from the University of Baguio attend the anti-illegal drug symposium with the theme “People first: Stop stigma and discrimination, strengthen prevention”
Article by: Carl Jitendra Calderon
UBiano student leaders head off and join the celebration of the International Day Against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking
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The anti-illegal drug symposium with the theme “People first: Stop stigma and discrimination, strengthen prevention” was successfully held on June 27, 2023, at the Newtown Plaza Hotel in Baguio City. The event was organized by the Commission on Higher Education (CHED) and the Philippine Drug Enforcement Agency (PDEA), and it saw the participation of student leaders from various schools in the Cordillera Administrative Region.

The symposium aimed to address the pressing issue of illegal drug use, focusing on prevention efforts and combating the stigma and discrimination associated with it. The student leaders in attendance were provided with valuable insights from knowledgeable speakers who discussed drug prevention strategies, the detrimental effects of drug abuse, and the laws pertaining to the illegal use of drugs. The information presented was intended to equip the student leaders with the necessary knowledge to create a positive impact within their respective communities.

The symposium featured three distinguished speakers who shared their expertise and experiences with the attendees. Dr. Julius M. Paderes, the acting regional director of PDEA-CAR, delivered a talk titled “Understanding the Global Illegal Drug Problem: Impact of Illegal Drug Use.” His presentation shed light on the severity of the global drug issue and its far-reaching consequences. Ms. Serafina P. Tenenan, the chief of preventive education and community involvement at PDEA-CAR, delivered an inspiring address emphasizing the importance of community engagement in drug prevention efforts and Dr. Christopher A. Depnag, an Education Supervisor II from CHED-CAR, discussed the salient points of CMO 18, S. 2018, providing the student leaders with a comprehensive understanding of the legal framework surrounding drug abuse prevention.

The symposium was well-attended by student leaders from the University of Baguio, including Carl Jitendra Calderon, Jerwin Rivera, Mara Subdi, Elijah Dumling, Eloise Dumapis, Bennet Labagan, Jasper Forag, Farbertson Balao-as, Justine Gudaren, Limbas Sucao, Jared Lang-ayan, and Harold Dean Pilog. Their active participation in the event exemplifies their commitment to lead their generation by setting the right example and making ethical choices.

The anti-illegal drug symposium proved to be a valuable learning experience for the student leaders. By equipping them with knowledge, awareness, and the ability to combat stigma and discrimination, the symposium empowered them to become effective role models and advocates in the fight against illegal drug use.

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