December 5, 2023

UB’s BA Political Science Secures First Runner-Up in IP C.I.R.C.L.E League Competition

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The University of Baguio’s School of Teacher Education-BA Political Science recently soared to success in the Intellectual Property (IP) C.I.R.C.L.E League Competition, an event participated in by Higher Education Institutions from all over the country and hosted by the Intellectual Property Office of the Philippines (IPOPHL) to champion creativity and safeguard intellectual property rights. In this esteemed competition, the PolSci students who showcased their remarkable talent and dedication to advocating for the protection of intellectual property secured the first runner-up position.

Under the mentorship of Ms. Beverly B. Laltoog, the BA Political Science triumphant team—comprising Yanna Somera, Hannah Delima, and Angela Rafanan—participated in ‘The Ad’ category, a digital poster-making competition aimed at fortifying IP advocacies.

The competition challenged the participants to devise compelling visual campaigns that underscored the significance of intellectual property protection and enforcement. The team’s slogan, “Reject Piracy; Support Authenticity,” resonated profoundly, encapsulating their fervent call to uphold the integrity of intellectual property rights.

As emphasized by Ms. Yanna Somera, the slogan was a call to action. “It urges individuals to shun piracy in all its forms, advocating instead for the support and recognition of authentic creative endeavors”.

The winning digital poster was a powerful representation of their message. It vividly illustrated the detrimental effects of piracy while championing the importance of respecting and valuing originality. Elements such as the symbolic “pirate hook,” tapes, CDs encircling a computer screen, and police tape conveyed the risks of piracy, while simultaneously highlighting the legal protection that intellectual properties entail.

The deliberate use of colors—predominantly red, yellow, and orange—aligned with IPO-PHIL’s advocacy, amplifying the message, and drawing attention to the significance of protecting intellectual properties owned by creative individuals.

“The Ad” stood as a gentle yet impactful reminder for all citizens to remain vigilant. It urged the community to embrace original content and ideas while fostering a culture that respects and celebrates creativity, thereby combatting piracy.

The University of Baguio’s success in the IP C.I.R.C.L.E League Competition is a testament to its commitment to nurturing talent and fostering a deeper understanding of intellectual property rights among its students. The achievement not only underscores the creativity and dedication of the winning team but also solidifies the university’s reputation as a cradle for innovative and socially conscious individuals.

Through their remarkable achievement, the University of Baguio’s School of Teacher Education and its BA Political Science students have left an indelible mark in advocating for the protection of intellectual property rights. Their success serves as an inspiration for others to join the essential advocacy of safeguarding and respecting creative works in a world increasingly reliant on innovation and originality.

Written by Beverly Laltoog

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