
August 29, 2024

UB Highlights: Dapit UBiano Welcome Week

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As the season turns over and a new semester begins, the University of Baguio spares no effort in welcoming new and returning students to its esteemed halls for another academic year. Headed by the Office of Student Affairs (OSA), this year’s welcome week event – dubbed Dapit UBiano, aims to give students a warm reception through fun activities and competitions.

UB’s welcome week was officially launched at exactly ten am (10:00 AM) on August 27, 2024. The opening ceremony was led by UB President Engr. Javier Herminio Bautista, Vice President for Finance Mr. Johann Ben Bautista, and OSA Director Mr. Froilan Aspa. All three distinguished figures took their ceremonial scissors and formally cut the ribbon that would signify the beginning of the university’s welcome week.

The main highlight of the event was the booth exhibition, which drew in groups from the different schools and spurred them on to build stalls that showcased their program’s skill and creativity. There were booths dedicated to food and beverages, while there were also stalls with small mini-games that the students could participate in for a small fee. These stalls were all a labour of love and hard work from the students, making for an enjoyable and interactive experience for students passing through Anacleto Street and the Cardinal’s Gym.

Apart from the program booths, there were also several contests happening simultaneously. The university marketing video competition and the PSA video contest were held as the students were busy milling about in the different stalls, with the judging taking place behind closed doors to preserve the suspense of the final verdict. These competitions involved entries that were produced days in advance, crafted by the students themselves. 

The results of these competitions will be announced during the culminating activity on August 29, 2024.

The University of Baguio is always keen on supporting initiatives that allow students to breathe easy after studying and working hard. It is a part of the university’s goal to provide balanced quality education in a fun learning environment. In the coming months, look forward to more lively events from the university to tide you over between exam seasons!

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