May 13, 2024

UB GAIL: An Evening of Camaraderie and Fellowship

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In its tireless pursuit of perfection and academic excellence, the University of Baguio has forged ties with countless industry partners all over the Philippines and across the globe, facilitating continuous growth and development that has allowed the university to constantly improve its educational programs. These partnerships are integral in building a strong institutional foundation that can bring the very best learning opportunities to the thousands of students that pass through the university’s halls every year.

The UB GAIL 2024 SDE

In celebration of these industry ties, the university hosted its 3rd Annual GAIL: Government Academe Industry Linkages, an event dedicated to commemorating the strong relationships that the university has built across industries. With the theme, “Interconnected Horizons: Inspiring Innovation Across Sectors”, the event was a brilliant look into the wide network of connections the university has built up over the years. 

Nurturing relationships with other academic institutions, government, and non-government organizations allows the university to optimize its educational programs and ensure that they are able to address the ever-changing needs of the professional world. Through student internships and academic mobility programs, the university is able to collaborate with these organizations to train the students to be globally competitive and able to keep up with the demands of the workplace regardless of where they may end up being employed.

Beyond just a means to improve its academic programs, these ties with fellow academic institutions, government, and non-government organizations serve as a means to pursue community engagement. From outreach programs to the attainment of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (UN SDGs), these collaborations with the different sectors of society ensure that the university is able to extend a helping hand to the parts of the community that require aid and assistance. 

Whether it’s in service of improving education or promoting civic engagement, the University of Baguio always strives to maintain its relationships with societal organizations from a grassroots level all the way up to an international level. It recognizes the importance of staying connected with all aspects of society, how integral it is to continue to collaborate with other stakeholders in the community to ensure that it can excel in education, its field of specialization, as well as in other aspects of society where it can lend its assistance.

The University of Baguio hopes to continue fostering connections and seeking partnerships with other institutions, enriching its academic programs, expanding resources, and making a more significant impact on society. These partnerships are not just about mutual benefit; they are about creating a network of support and cooperation that transcends institutional boundaries, leading to a more vibrant and connected community that the university is proud to call its home.

“This event serves as a platform for us to share experiences, collaboration, and success stories in our partnerships with the University of Baguio. It is an opportunity to reflect on the invaluable contributions of our partners to the development of our students, faculty, and staff. Through your unwavering support and engagement, we have collectively nurtured a culture of excellence and innovation that continues to propel us forward.

By fostering meaningful partnerships between academe and the local government, we can harness the full potential of interdisciplinary collaboration to address complex societal challenges and drive positive change.”

Message from Baguio City Mayor Hon. Benjamin Magalong, delivered by Ms. Samantha Hamada

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