December 5, 2023

UB Chapter of Golden Z Club Participates in “Let’s Paint Session Road Orange 2023″ to Combat Violence Against Women and Children

An art of expression in the fight of violence against women and children drawn by a stranger.
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BAGUIO CITY, PHILIPPINES – In a vibrant display of solidarity and creativity, Baguio City came together to combat violence against women and children through the “Let’s Paint Session Road Orange 2023” event last November 26, 2023 at Session Road, Baguio City. Organized by the Zonta Club of Baguio, with the collaboration of Golden Z-Club University of Baguio (UB) Chapter and Roxas National High School Chapter, the event transformed Lower Session Road into a canvas of hope, adorned with chalk art and messages of empowerment.

The event commenced with a coloring session, inviting participants to unleash their creativity while emphasizing the community’s collective strength against violence. Attendees from various clubs and organizations gathered, as well as those who passed by the session road, sharing their artistic talents and valuable insights on combating violence.

In its diverse forms, art served as a powerful medium to convey messages that words often fail to capture. Chalk art masterpieces lined Session Road, each echoing the resounding theme of NO TO VIOLENCE AGAINST WOMEN AND CHILDREN. These artistic expressions sparked dialogue and ignited emotions, underscoring the transformative potential of art in shaping a more just society.

Golden Z Club Officers join the campaign with (from left to right) Ms. Renzy Zapanta, Ms. Bernadette Macayan, Ms. Michelle Quitaleg, and Ms. Aileen Joy Basug.

As the event drew to a close, a resounding call to action echoed through the streets. The fight against violence towards women and children demands unwavering commitment, and events like “Let’s Paint Session Road Orange 2023” serve as crucial milestones. Beyond raising awareness, these gatherings empower communities to unite, fostering a world where women and children can thrive free from the fear of violence.

The success of “Let’s Paint Session Road Orange 2023” lies in its ability to harness the power of creativity and community to address a critical social issue. By transforming public spaces into vibrant canvases of hope, the event ignited a wave of awareness and inspired individuals to take action against violence. As the community continues to rally together, the message of empowerment and the call for a violence-free world will undoubtedly resonate far beyond the streets of Baguio City.

The “Let’s Paint Session Road Orange 2023” event in Baguio City is in line with the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 16, which aims to promote peaceful and inclusive societies, secure justice for everyone, and develop effective, responsible, and inclusive institutions at all levels.

From left to right: 3 Roxas National High School students, Zonta Club Officer, Bernadette Macayan, Zonta Club Officer, Zonta Club President (Ma’am Debbie Pullido), and Aileen Joy.

The focus of the event on preventing violence against women and children directly supports SDG 16.2, which especially targets the eradication of abuse, exploitation, trafficking, and all forms of violence and torture against children.

The “Let’s Paint Session Road Orange 2023” event highlights the usefulness of creative ways of accomplishing SDG targets by utilizing art as a tool for raising awareness and encouraging action. The event’s ability to bring community members together and foster a sense of solidarity emphasizes its commitment to the development of inclusive and egalitarian societies.

Written by  Aileen Joy L. Basug and Bernadette Macayan

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