Student Readmissions

The OSA staff decides whether the cited reasons for absences may be excused and talks to the student in order to address issues that affect class attendance.

The Student Readmissions Officer, upon his or her discretion, may refer the student to the Center for Counseling and Student Development (CCSD) for counseling.

The Division informs the parents/guardians of the student about the absences of their child/ward through a text message to the contact number provided in the enrollment system. The parent/guardian may visit the office to consult with staff regarding their child/ward’s absences and ways to address the issue.

The readmissions process addresses student absences by encouraging diligent attendance and avoidance of unnecessary absences.

Students who wish to start their readmission can visit the OSA directly or use the online service through the readmission email sent to the student’s school email address.

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