June 27, 2024

Forging Strong Foundations: UB Holds Annual IDP Assessment, Review, and Planning Meeting

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In the face of an ever-evolving world, change is an inevitable part of growth and development. Keeping up with constant advancement is a lofty ideal, but the University of Baguio has dedicated itself to the pursuit of perfection; as such, it continues to adapt, facilitating continuous evolution that allows it to face the challenges of the world head-on.

To aid in this journey toward excellence, UB annually prepares an Institutional Development Plan (IDP), a guiding framework that shapes the outlook of the incoming school year.  Through the IDP, the university maps out the programs and projects that it will undertake throughout the academic year, providing a comprehensive overview of the incoming academic year. This ensures that management is able to keep track of its activities and goals, leading to a more organized approach to leading the university.

This year’s IDP Assessment, Review, and Planning meeting was held at the UB Centennial Hall on June 13 and 14, 2024. The morning session for the first day was focused on Managing Organization, with Dr. Ferdinand Somido, the Executive School Director of the University of Perpetual Help Laguna, giving a notable talk on the subject matter. 

The discussion revolved around the aspects of effective managing organization, such as planning, organizing, leading, and controlling. Dr. Somido emphasized the importance of always being aware of the organization’s priorities and being prepared for any crises that may arise at any time.

Following the enlightening talk from Dr. Somido, the management team focused on reviewing the year-end assessment, going over which goals and objectives were met over the duration of Academic Year 2023-2024. 

During the afternoon session, Linkages Office Director Ms. Melaine Rulla-Saro went over the university’s goals for internationalization. The discussion delved into the programs of the university that aim to facilitate its globalization, such as the inbound study abroad program and international on-the-job training, and the improvement of the university facilities and programs to accommodate international standards. UB’s recent triumphs in the Times Higher Education (THE) and World Universities with Real Impact (WURI) were also highlighted, underscoring the fruitful efforts of the university to be recognized on a global scale.

The second day concentrated on the construction of the next academic year’s IDP, with UB President Engr. Javier Herminio Bautista leading the afternoon plenary and facilitating the brainstorming session that aimed to gather ideas and comments from the management team to improve the document. Vice President for Academic Affairs (VPAA) Dr. Janice Kaylyn Lonogan also stepped in periodically to entertain queries from the team whenever necessary.

Overall, this year’s IDP Assessment, Review, and Planning meeting was a rousing success. Members of the Management Team oversaw a productive series of sessions that tackled the integral parts of the Institutional Development Plan, forging a strong foundation for the following academic year.

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