October 18, 2024

Advocating Health and Well-being Among UBian Parents as a Move Towards Knowing Parenting Roles in 21st Century

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Parents play a vital role in shaping the lives of students and remain the University’s strongest partners in promoting the well-being of UBians. In an effort to promote and well-being among parents and caregivers through capacity building on essential 21st-century parenting skills, the Center for Counseling and Student Development organized the Parents’ Congress 2024. The event, themed “Learning to Do: Parenting Roles in the 21st Century,” was held at the University of Baguio Cardinal’s Gym and broadcast live via Zoom and Facebook live.

Experts in the fields of psychology, guidance and counseling, and student affairs were invited to facilitate specific topics: Dr. Wilfredo II Francis F. Mina, ND, PhD, FIIPA, from the University of the Philippines-Manila, delivered an insightful talk on “Parenting with a Purpose: Raising a Responsible and Supportive Family.” He emphasized the 10 most common parenting pitfalls and provided 10 practical tips for more intentional parenting. Ms. Agnes Kryza H. Sito, RGC, RPsy, RPm, LPT, from Benguet State University on the other hand, led a session on “Self-Care for Parents.” She explored the effects of stress on the body and introduced various forms of self-care—physical, psychological, emotional, spiritual, personal, and professional. Then for the final topic, University of Baguio’s very own Dr. Froilan C. Aspa, a University of Baguio parent and Director of the Office of Student Affairs, discussed “Laws for the Learners,” where he urged parents to be active advocates for their children’s rights. 

Apart from the provision of timely topics, the congress brought together parents and caregivers of the UBian and non-UBian learners, representatives from the Baguio City Social Welfare and Development Office and representatives from the University’s adopted barangay, Baranggay Pinsao Pilot. There were also featured surprise videos from the Basic Education UBian learners which showcased the most valuable lessons or advice given by their parents. More so, the event highlighted the importance of collaboration between the school, home, and community in promoting the well-being of each one in the family. Hence, ensuring that parents and caregivers are equipped with the tools and skills needed for 21st-century parenting ushers them into greater efficiency in bringing up learners who are well-adjusted and resilient in navigating the challenges of this present times.

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